How to use this site: for dummies

--Login and Register menu

If using a phone the first thing you should do is click the (Show Video) and (Show Controls) buttons at the top of the screen.
To create a FREE chat account and control everything on the site click on (Create an Acount).
Only 100 chat accounts will be made and its first come first serve.
E-mails will need to be verified.
--Links to my site
**Bookmark these links in case one is taken down:
[Unbannable Link],
[Main Link],
[Mirror 1],
Backup Locals Chat

I also have streams on other platforms you can bookmark in the (streams) side menu here.
--Plex and Members Access

There is guest access to the Members feed. You can watch and chat but not control anything.
$10/month members will get a password to control the Members Feed content.
*Members feed now has 3D movies to play with your VR headset. Pick up a quest for $150-$400.

$20/month members will get a Members Feed Password and access to my PLEX account to play all my media without needing to wait in queue.

I am also working on the (Play Only For You) aria where you can play all my files localy. So far it only plays .mp4 files so its not as good as PLEX yet.
Karaoke and Music Videos are open to everyone.
Choose one for members sign-up:
--Main menu is at the top of the screen

(Chat/Sounds), (Feed), (Play) and (Queue) are the main navigation buttons.
If you are using a phone, the (Show Video) and (Show Controls) buttons will show the full window under the video.
(☰ Home) opens the side navigation links.
--(Chat room) button

All of the menu buttons change the one frame under the movie. If you want to get back to chat, click the chat button.

To use the cool chat features click the blue circle to the left of where you type.

Video calls are available in the DMs. On the left side of the screen click on the person you would like to video call,
then press the call button at the top of the chat to start the call.

To logout of chat click here.
--(Soundboard) button

The soundboard plays over the movie and everyone can hear it.

Pressing (quick favorites) will put that sound at top of page.
Also you can upload audio and video sounds to the soundboard for everyone to use. find sounds with the links.

Pressing (add to personal favorites) will store the sound in your tab with your name. Press Remove to remove it from your sounds.

Every upload records your IP address and username.

Anyone is free to delete any faggy community uploads.
Select the (delete) button to delete it.
--(Personal Settings and controles) button

In the menu where you see your name there are settings and controles.
In the user settings you can turn on/off the chat auto refresh. It will refresh the chatroom every 30 minutes.
*Very few people have problems typing and no one seeing your messages after a while. To fix this problem turn it on.
The downside is it will erase what you are currently typing on refresh.
*To remove the captcha change this setting at least one time. Then you will not need to type in the captcha every time.
If you do hit the captcha you will not need to type anything.
Also you can upload sticker GIFs to the community chat aria.

You can schedule a movie to play at a later date so others can join you. You have 3 schedule slots per user.
This will show above the movie for everyone. hit the delete buton to remove it.
--Seprate video feeds

(Public Feed Soundboard OFF) button is the feed with the soundboard turned off.
(Music Feed) is a feed of my baby chickens and music. Songs play randomly and you can skip forward and back.
--(Play) button

Everything in the (play) button you can play by clicking and it will play for everyone to watch.
Before you select a movie make sure the (subtitles) and (lock in movie) menus are what you want.
To search for something on the whole page click the (Show ALL) button and use the search at the bottom of the screen.

Press the (watch later) button to store in your watch later list. watch later is in the tab with your name.

Shuffle Mode, no one is playing anything.
Unlocked, movie playing can be stopped by anyone.
Locked, movie playing will finish playing.

The movie control bar is under the movie and can be hiden/shown with the (Show Controles) button.
While the
is showing you anyone can use the (Previous) and (Next) buttons.
If you are the one that selected a movie you can use the (Skip to) menu to select a time in the video to skip to. And the
) button will toggle the Lock Movie option so no one can skip to the next in the playlist queue.
(Music Videos) button

You can upload your own music videos and play them. Use the links under upload to convert from youtube online.
(New Downloads) button

You can upload '.torrent' files here and when my computer finishes downloading them you can play them.
Torrent search engines are provided under the upload button. A VPN is not needed for getting a '.torrent' file because
it is just the text file with the addresses to download the movie. My computer will be downloading the movie and is behind a VPN.

Find a good link with lots of seeds. The more seeds the faster it will download.
--*If you are getting popups then use an ad blocker. I use the Brave browser which has built in ad blocking.*--

Make sure you save a Torrent file, Magnet links are not files and can not be uploaded.

this is what a '.torrent' file save will look like.
--(Queue) button

If you or someone else is playing something
anything you click will go to (Playlist Queue) button. Press (delete) to remove it from the queue. If the current movie is not
you can press the (Stop and Play next in Playlist Queue) button at the bottom of the page to stop the current movie and play the next in the queue.
2 queue slots available for each user. Queued movies will NOT be locked.
--(Request a Movie) button

(Clip Movie Soundbite) form on top will save the name and timestamp of the curent movie playing. Add a discription of the sound or video clip and i will clip it for you and add it to the soundboard.
I will proccess them once a week or when i have the time.
(Request a Movie/Show) form on the bottom. Make sure you give as much info as posible to help me find it.
--(Movie Ratings) button

You can click the like button at the bottom of the screen to like/dislike the movie that is curently playing.
The results are stored in the (movie ratings) button.